As the kennel reflected on life post-PO, they ran through the Eastwood neighborhood, disturbing all who they passed.

Hats off to our half-minds for helping the wasted dude that fell off his bike and almost got ran over by a car. (Important note: wasted bike dude was not a member of our group.) That willingness of our pack of half-minds to assist other wobbly citizens certainly demonstrates our kennels character and values.

Names were given for a variety of reasons on this night. Loonies and Toonies refuses to pay with American currency; Doggie Down-Down for some reason this writer doesn’t know; and Pleasantly Average for the just-right size of his…well, you know.

Thanks go to Loonies and Toonies for his great song and send off for PO!

Hash Stats: 35 hashers (5 virgins)
Hares: Pleasantly Average, Doggie Down-Down, Professor Crash Pants