The 976th running of the Ithaca Hash House Harriers happened to also be the 543rd running of Syracuse OnOnDoga Hash House Harriers and Harriettes at Tick Hollow near Cortland. This trail had it all. Something for the walkers, something for the runners, New beers in lieu of hash cash. Trail was brought to us by bihashual hares Kickstand and B.V.D. And what a trail it was. Spike brought treats, Floss brought heavy treats.
We started with chalk talk as soon as the hares got back from setting the BNs with the fresh new beers this bountiful day had bestowed. We did introductions as there were many a face we did and didn’t recognize, nature of the beast with an interhash event. We had visitors from Burlington and some from what I want to say was one of the Carolinas, I think South but they may be moving back to Ithaca; maybe not visitors but repatriots. We also had a virgin in our midsts. Welcome virgin Melissa. B.V.D. and Kicky laid out what we were going to see on trail. All your favorite marks were there. We had on ones, twos, on on on on ons, The check was a combined check a circle with an x on it. Kicky used that international false he’s so fond of. We also had BN’s and shots. We had the blessing of the trail then we were off.
We started by heading onto the trail just off of Gracie road. There was some turkey eagle business in there and much reveling on the way. We happened upon a song check that looked suspiciously like a shot check. We sang Chicago. There were a lot of really good verses. Head got, well graphic, as she is want to do during that particular song. After the song we ran a little bit more and ended up at a beer near, hooray. There was a nice selection of beer and snacks. One lucky hasher was spied eating fried rice with chopsticks. We sang a new years song and by that I mean a song from a printout that B.V.D. put together that had new songs in it. Then we on-outed to the next adventure.
From here trail led us across a road into some deep dark woods. There was an R in these woods somewhere, some checks, and other nasty business. We eventually came out into some fields where we had a shot stop. This one was mudslide. We came pretty close to finishing the bottle. Spirits were high and so was half the pack by this point. Or so I am told, safety third. Oh I think this one also doubled as a mobile beer near if I’m not mistaken.
From here trail took us back down some trails. There was a pee check in this leg of the course. There was a secret mark discussed at chalk talk and I’m pretty sure this is to what they were referring. There was yet another T/E split in here somewhere if I am not mistaken. There were some dangerous wooden bridges and other hazards too. We eventually reached another beer near and had even more fun if you can believe it. We showed virgin Melissa how to down down and shot a bunch of shit. We were on in from here.
We arrived back to the start before it even started to get dark, not something I thought possible. Circle was conducted. Hares were shamed. Trail was too dry, too short, too interhashual and other things. ‘Fuck you for being a hare’ was performed. Poor one out for the hommie Betty ‘Rose’ White yall. We brought the virgin into circle for a down down. We got a song from the Burlington contingent. It was a good one about self pleasure. If anyone caught the name please put it in the comments. We had one for anyone eating Chineese food on trail. There was one for if you peed on trail. There was another one for anyone who came back without a balloon that went out with a balloon. There were others I’m sure. We had an up up and side side birthday combo to celebrate both B.V.D. and Miss D’s recent birthdays. There was the our lager may the hash get a peace bit then we were out.
On-after was at Cortland Beer Company but ope they were closed. Then it was at ONCO in Tully but ope that was probably too far away and ended up being at Hobos in Homer. There may have been others but that is where Kicky, 3 Dog, U.C. , Miss D’ and I ended up. It was a good time. Now to put the train back on the tracks for a few weeks.
SOH4 Winterhash regos have opened check the SOH4 website for detrails.
IH3 – Next trail is next Sunday 1/9. Keep your eye on the usual places. Who knows what madness will befall us
IH3 Elections have been finalized here are the results:
GM: Spike
HC/OS: Red White and Blue Ballz
HR: Shiggy Shaman
RA: Reverse Penguin
Hoppy New Beers yall.
-Reverse Penguin