Trail #583: 8th Anal Britney Bash
Monday - August 8, 2022 - 6:09 pm
Please try your best to rego online, even though the website is acting wonky. Otherwise try to bring exact change for cash.
Britney Spears themed costumes are strongly encouraged/required!
Join us Monday for the 8th Anal Britney Birthday Hash! The day we celebrate the birthdays of UC, Camel, and Prime, as well as the legendary Britney Spears (it’s not actually her birthday, but UC and Camel just love her).
By now you know the drill…. Wear your costumes or I’ll be pissed. If you’ve been living under a rock and don’t know anything about Britney Spears?! Check out her Instagram… it’s full of crazy ideas!
There WILL be prizes. There WILL be plenty of booze. There MIGHT be an actual trail. Camel MIGHT show up. UC MIGHT make it in time for circle. Prime MIGHT not be allowed to set any part of trail by himself. We’ll see what happens!
Dogs are fine, but they’ll probably have to be leashed the whole time. Costumes are also required for dogs.
Please Rego in advance by clicking “add to cart” below.
Hares: Utica Chub, Cocktimus Prime, Dr. Camel Shrinker Location: Pastor and UC’s House (2106 James Street) Parking on Hastings Place is easiest, or any of the side streets. Circle will be outside in the backyard. Start Time: 5:69 PM (AKA 6:09 pm) Hash Cash: $7 (Virgins/first timers are free!) Theme: Britney On-After: There will be sheet pizzas, snacks, and extra beer. If you stay for the after please bring an extra $5 (or PayPal to [email protected]) to cover some of the expense. Bring a lawn chair if you want for the after.*Note:Please bring your ID! Our hashes are open to all those of you of legal drinking age.
First hash? YAY! We're so glad you picked this one! We are a non-competitive running club focused on having a ton of fun! Be ready for a fun adventure. Bring your sense of humor but leave your new shoes at home.