Trail #663: The Pleasures of Village Living
Saturday - October 14, 2023 - 2:09 pm
This Saturday, come enjoy the pleasures of village living by the lake while not matching anyone or having any theme whatsoever. Want to pretend like you actually really don’t want to be there and have fun with friends? This is the trail for you! Think you might accidentally match someone? Leave it at home! Overly expressive eyebrows are welcome.
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Hares: Festering Foot Stuff and IBSexual Location: Onondaga Lake Park - Village of Liverpool, Salt Museum Parking Lot Start Time: 1:69PM (AKA 2:09 pm) Hash Cash: $7 (Virgins/first timers are free!) Theme: Anti Theme On-After: Cobblestone Ale House*Note:Please bring your ID! Our hashes are open to all those of you of legal drinking age.
First hash? YAY! We're so glad you picked this one! We are a non-competitive running club focused on having a ton of fun! Be ready for a fun adventure. Bring your sense of humor but leave your new shoes at home.