Trail #733: Egg Nog Trail
Saturday - November 23, 2024 - 12:09 pm - 3:09 pm
**Please note early start time**
Cum join your holiday hares for the anal egg nog hash. If you’re expecting a shitty trail well then yolk’s on you. You’ll to rise to the top of Onondaga Hill as you churn out some (likely wet) trails and maybe a hill. Wear your creamiest costumes of holiday cheer and anxiety as you contemplate finishing or starting your gift buying. Maybe we’ll watch Cool Hand eat 51 eggs. Virgins should be leashed but dogs should be left at home.
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Hares: Cool Cream Puke and Three Yolk Night Location: Anthony J. Santaro Memorial Park Start Time: 11:69PM (AKA 12:09 pm - 3:09 pm) Hash Cash: $7 (Virgins/first timers are free!) Theme: Egg Noggin On-After: Chelsea's*Note:Please bring your ID! Our hashes are open to all those of you of legal drinking age.
First hash? YAY! We're so glad you picked this one! We are a non-competitive running club focused on having a ton of fun! Be ready for a fun adventure. Bring your sense of humor but leave your new shoes at home.