Trail #319: Frosty Forest at Green Lakes
Saturday - January 20, 2018 - 2:00 pm
Trail Sat will be at Green Lakes starting in the disc golf parking lot.
Bonus SLOW H3:
If weather isn’t too stupid SLOW H3 is doing tubing at Four Seasons at 11 and then SLOW trail from literally same start as SOH4 at 1:09… which will be a trail down to the Frosty Forest activities (sleigh rides! cocoa!). More the merrier, and you’ll still have time to make SOH4 trail.. only hopped up on tubing and cocoa.
*Note:Please bring your ID! Our hashes are open to all those of you of legal drinking age.
First hash? YAY! We're so glad you picked this one! We are a non-competitive running club focused on having a ton of fun! Be ready for a fun adventure. Bring your sense of humor but leave your new shoes at home.