69 Things I Can Still Remember After the 69th Trail and the Most Epic On-After
- It was sunny
- It was cold
- It was really windy
- There were cool glow-in-the-dark mugs
- We got tags and beads (not the anal kind…)
- There was beer drinking in a parking lot
- There were a lot of people
- IH3 and FCH3 visited
- There were people from Connecticut
- Hares were Ass Full, Drinks, and Kicky
- Chalk talk was jibberish
- Chunks was late but made the disclaimer
- We ran in circles through snow
- The sunset was awesome
- We ran around a neighborhood
- Snidely and Tweedle Me wrestled in snow (no surprise there)
- We dodged traffic on West Genesee Street
- No one died
- Just Bill and Slimy Rubber Cock had backpacks for r*acist training
- We climbed up an embankment
- There were thorns and snow
- There was blood
- Goldie got scratched on the cheek
- More blood
- The first Beer Near was by an old ski lift
- Jackoff climbed on top of it
- He didn’t fall
- There was a big hill
- Some of us fell
- Most butt slid down or belly flopped down
- There was a ski area
- TweedleMe ran up the ski hill
- Tweedle Me fell
- Tweedle Me skidded down
- Drinks gave the ski operator a beer
- He was cool but wouldn’t let anyone else run up the hill
- We ran around some more in random neighborhoods
- It was really dark
- We ran through shiggy
- A little girls asked Fakey and Once You Go Black if it was a scavenger hunt
- There was a parking lot
- There was a shopping cart
- Captain fit in the shopping cart
- There is video proof
- No one died crossing West Genesee Street
- We found the Second Beer Near
- We sang
- We sang more
- We ran through the snow in the dark
- There was a lot of hash crashing
- On-in back at the parking lot
- At circle hares did down-downs for shitty trail
- Virgins Just Jay, Just Corey, and Just Eric were welcomed
- Cum-latelys were accused (Turtle who?)
- Out-of-towners did down-downs
- Just Bryan and Dry Spell drank from their new shoes
- Kicky awarded prizes for Best 69 attire
- The hash went in peace to get a piece
- The On-After at Assil’s was really hard to find
- We found it
- We arrived in time to see SU lose to NC State in the ACC Tournament
- We drank beer
- We ate a lot of food
- We drank more beer
- We danced
- We drank more beer
- We danced some more
- Magical arrived late and showed off his dance skills
Came with a Fake Name