Trail #309: Gruß vom Krampus!!!!
Saturday - December 2, 2017 - 2:00 pm
Get all your nice out and kum be naughty Krampus style. Bring bells and chains, horns and tongues, burlap saks and rope(we know how you like it). Don’t be shy, there’s a krampus in everyone! Awards for the best themed-costume, down-downs for the assholes who do not dress in theme and wear new shoes, etc.
Hares: Cummando Cobbler & FleshFlaps Location: 552 Columbus Ave Syracuse, NY Start Time: 1:69 PM (AKA 2:00 pm) Hash Cash: $5 or Hash Cash (Virgins/first-timers are free!) Theme: Krampus Hash On-After: Chez cummando and fleshflaps (same as start). There will be two kegs of strong beer, veggie chili soup and some snacks. Please bring a side dish and/or more drink! Bonus: due to impending vacancy and subsequent relocation of cummando and flesh Flaps, there will be an indoor art sale, free sale and drink-off (cummando ain't gonna move ALL his booze). Also fun krampus games and bonfire shit. HashCrashSpace- There's a very strong possibility you'll get drunk, very strong chance...get an über or crash space available at on after, see hares.*Note:Please bring your ID! Our hashes are open to all those of you of legal drinking age.
First hash? YAY! We're so glad you picked this one! We are a non-competitive running club focused on having a ton of fun! Be ready for a fun adventure. Bring your sense of humor but leave your new shoes at home.